Illustration Duane Jewett / Sound Engineering Nathan Gregory / Text Nathan Gregory - August, 29 2011
Red button, green button, blue button, yellow. The press of these video game machine buttons and the slide of a finger across his handmade synth device blast the audience ears delightfully. This gravid groove ignites any listeners aural taste buds. His noiseful trances change to sublime vibes and at times dancey goodness. Milton Melvin Croissant plays rad music and played behind his transfixing visuals can trip out the most sober at state. MMCIII hails from Denver, Co and we met him one fine evening when he played Schwag City in Chicago where we were able to tape his whole performace.
Also check this live coverage provided by MMCIII live at Schwag City.
Milton Melvin Croissant III - "Live at Schwag City"
Recorded at Schwag City Studios in Chicago.